So Sure Customer Care service, Toll-Free Phone number, Postal Address, Social profiles, Email

So Sure Insurance Customer Care service, Toll-Free Phone number, Postal Address, Social profiles, Email- “So sure” is an UK based insurance company that does insurance of your mobile phones. It is a much cheaper procedure as compared traditional insurance companies. It is 40% cheaper as compared to other insurers. So sure does not charge you in name of procedure and the process is also very easy for applying for so sure. So- sure insurance company has featured in “The guardian, Financial Times, Insurance post.” It has also won the “Digital Insurance Awards 2016”.


  • 40% cheaper as compared to traditional insurers.
  • You can get 80% cash back every year when you and your friends don’t claim.
  • Insurance your phone up to 3 years.
  • Immediate cover.



10, Finsbury Square

London EC2A 1AF

Email-id –



Twitter: @wearesosure

The so sure twitter page was created in December 2015. It has been regularly tweeting customers about every development. It has got 660 followers.

Facebook: @wearesosure

Facebook is an another way to contact them. You can follow them and you can also write your views on their timeline. If you want to like their page then visit their page via the above link.

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